Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Isolation & Inspiration

I've been in home-confinement for the past week having only been out to go to the hospital and to get an MRI scan for my knee. While I'm still working from home and trying to deal with insurance claims and the NHS over the phone, this confinement has offered me a good opportunity to catch-up with myself and the sailing endeavours of people that I do not know but I feel so close to and to re-ignite the spark of inspiration that every-day life is so good at suppressing.

Reading James Baldwin's on-line book "Across Islands and Oceans" has been a great source of inspiration. I have found so many words in there that I can relate to that in some cases I felt that I could have written these myself. The following is just one of these, which pretty much sums up my feelings about travelling and sailing round the world:

"Compared to a simple boat, a backpack and my boots, the thought of fussing around with airlines, taxis, buses, hotels, restaurants, and all the other trappings of tourist travel leaves me as uninspired as a purposeless voyage."

1 comment:

  1. Hard luck with the knee. I used Flag antifouling this year on my T-24 and it went on just fine -I used a 4" roller from B&Q reserving a brush just for the fiddly bits. Antifouling can build up over the years so it pays to get it smooth before you start and dust everywhere is inevitable - a cheap boiler suit is the answer. Very warm incidentally for those nights at sea you'll enjoy in the future!
    Bernard Moitessier would be proud M
